How do Lion Prides work?A hundred years ago, Africa had more than 200,000 lions, however, it has shrunk to about 21,000 today, making it one of the smallest populations of any animal in the world, according to the United Nations. Lions are the only cats who live in groups. They are known for being loyal to their family. Not their biological family but their pride, this sometimes means that they do not keep family members in their pride especially if they are male. What is the life cycle of Lion Cubs?For the first 3-11 days of a lion cub’s life, he or she does not have sight. This endangers them as they are helpless. Lion cubs sometimes spend a lot of time playing with one another in order to fulfill their curiosity and emulate the adult lion's stalking and fighting. These playful periods aid in the development of the fundamental foundations and abilities required for a cub's maturity. Lion cubs are born in litters of 2-3, 4 being the usual. After their birth they are taken to a safe place where they are cared for either by their mother alone, or the females within the pride. Infanticide is a common problem for cubs, the main predators which they are exposed to are hyenas, leopards, and other lions. The lioness knows that she needs to hide her baby lions from the moment that they are born. How does the Lioness benefit the Pride?I am the Queen of the pride; I take care of my pride by providing them with a sense of protection as well as food. I care for my young deeply and will protect them relentlessly. I will stay by their side every day for the first 6 weeks, nurturing them and making sure they are fed, whilst keeping them hidden in thick dense bushes. there after when the time is right, we reunite with the entire pride. What purpose do Male Lions serve?My presence is made known not only by the gentle thud on the earth beneath my paws, but also through my roar that fills the air for 5 miles all around me. I am known as ‘the King of the beasts’. |
October 2023