What purpose do Male Lions serve?My presence is made known not only by the gentle thud on the earth beneath my paws, but also through my roar that fills the air for 5 miles all around me. I am known as ‘the King of the beasts’. I enjoy feeding on animals such as Buffalo's, Antelope, Giraffes, and many other species. However, we often hunt down Leopards, Hyenas, and wild dogs to protect our territory or our next meal. Ironically, it is the opposite when we are still cubs. Unlike the lioness, we prefer hunting alone. We live in habitats ranging from very dry to swamps. I can go up to four days without drinking water, during that time I hydrate through the contents of my prey’s stomach. Our marvelous manes separate us from the rest of the big cats, the older we get the darker our manes become. It makes us appear bigger and protects us. I need to keep my claws sharp for hunting, I do so by scratching trees. My tongue is as rough as sandpaper, the tiny spines which cover it make it easy for me to scrape meat from bones. I have excellent eyesight and a good sense of smell, for good reason! I enjoy spending roughly 83% of my day resting and only 4 hours hunting. You can often find me taking naps underneath or on a tree during the day. Although we seem to be vicious, we are simply attempting to take care of our pride and protect our territories. Just as you are a significant part of our ecosystem, so are we. Male lions are one of the biggest and most dangerous cats in the world. The average male lion weighs about 190 kilograms. It is important to invest and uplift the lives of male humans as they bring order to the system and are an asset to humankind. Equally, it is essential that Male lions remain in the food chain as they contribute similarly for example, by protecting land or their territories and strengthening our ecosystem. At Wild and Free, we strongly support the conservation of wildlife and nature because we understand that the ecosystem needs our help, and we need the ecosystem to live for generations after our own. How good is a Lions eyesight?Lions can see eight times better than humans in the dark. The eyesight of the lion is one of its most essential senses. Although it's not as strong as human eyes during the day, they can see up to 8 times more at night. However, this does not mean that lions can be seen in a pitch-black setting. Instead, they are taking advantage of the sparse illumination shone by the stars and the moon. Are Lions colour blind?Lions have a reputable view of the night. Lions have less cones in their pupils, which makes them appear less colorful. However, this configuration also gives them a good night vision. The lion's eyes have a membrane called tapetum lucidum, which takes dim light back to the retina. Because of this feature, a lion's pupil will expand about 3 times the size of a human pupil. How loud is a Lions Roar?The roar of the lion can significantly raise to 114 decibels. Usually, the lions roar is really loud after sunset. The lion's "voice" can reach a level of 114 decibels, almost twice the level of healthy hearing for humans. Generally speaking, any sound over 85 dBA will impair the human hearing capability over time.
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October 2023