Wild and Free Foundation
Wild and Free Foundation (WFF) is a non-profit organization founded in 2014 and registered in the United States and South Africa. Our mission is to create increased goodwill for rhino conservation by empowering youth and communities through sport and economic opportunities, and to serve as the most trusted partner in rural Africa.
Wild and Free believes poaching will be dramatically reduced when 21st century economic opportunities exist in the rural communities surrounding the national parks and wildlife reserves. Wild and Free is a different way of thinking, a different way of connecting, and an organization dedicated to uplifting and empowering people for the benefit of people, wildlife, and habitat. We believe that when we create a “prosperous perimeter” around national parks and wildlife reserves, rural community citizens will have very few or no reasons to poach. The communities surrounding wildlife reserves are the custodians of the wildlife because they will benefit from its existence. |
"Football is called the greatest game,
so why can't the greatest game
save the greatest animal?"
Rhino Cup Champions League
The Rhino Cup Champions League (RCCL) is an amateur football league in Africa located in rural communities surrounding national parks and wildlife reserves in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Namibia.
Started in 2016 with 12 men’s teams in Mozambique, the league has grown to 84 men’s, women’s, and youth teams with over 1,700 players and coaches. Every weekend during the season, over 5000 players and spectators gather at RCCL football fields enjoying the beautiful game and socializing. The implementation of the RCCL has gone far beyond our expectations. We're witnessing whole communities unite through football, giving a clear and strong statement that this league is only possible because of the rhinos. On game days, there is no shortage of gratitude and respect for rhinos, making it a win-win situation for both locals and rhinos. The RCCL will continue to spread the message about rhinos and contribute to the development of young people in rural Africa. The RCCL is including more and more communities in conservation and creating a prosperous perimeter surrounding national parks and wildlife reserves. |
Wild and Free Foundation is on a missionOur mission is to create increased goodwill for rhino conservation by empowering youth and communities through football and economic opportunities, and to serve as the most trusted partner in rural Africa.
ENGAGEWe asked how we could help stop young men dying in the bush while attempting to poach rhinos, their answer was, “futbol”. Soccer is bringing people together not just to play, but to appreciate the sport, socialize and share ideas.
UPLIFTThe RCCL is creating economic opportunities through jobs, prize money, and small business developing at the fields. By following through on our promises, we have established ourselves as a trusted partner.
PROTECTWe are committed to protecting the African rhino from extinction by uplifting and empowering the people that live near them. The RCCL is a collaboration that is turning communities away from poaching one game at a time.
PURPOSEThe Protection And Conservation Of The African Rhinoceros.
Wild and Free Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Non-profit OrganizationWild and Free Foundation (WFF) is a NY not-for-profit corporation that is tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Code, in the USA.
Wild and Free Foundation’s primary activity is the protection of the African rhinoceros from poaching, through fostering an amateur football league in rural Africa that is helping to create increased goodwill for wildlife and the conservation of wildlife habitats. Through the Rhino Cup Champions League (RCCL), Wild and Free Foundation will continue to spread the message about rhinos and contribute to the development of youth in rural Africa. Wild and Free Foundation's goal is to increase the number of communities included in targeted football initiatives within rural Southern Africa that will incorporate healthy wildlife buffer zones and economic initiatives in the areas where football programs are focused. Wild and Free Foundation's objective is to increase the enrollment of youth by 25% in football skill-training programs and educational courses in the areas where football programs are focused in rural Africa by 2025. Wild and Free Foundation’s focused football projects in rural Africa are changing the lives of both young men and rhinos. The Rhino Cup Champions League relies on donations and corporate sponsorships (tax-deductible) to continue its valuable work. Learn more about the Rhino Cup Champions League or support the projects through donations. |