Captain’s message to the The Women's Rhino Cup Champions League not only helps to reduce rhino poaching, but also helps women do better academically and professionally. Wild and Free Foundation, the league's sponsor in Mozambique, is thankful to the Women's Rhino Cup Champions League Committee. With the help of the committee, four more teams will be formed in Mavunguana, Baptine, and Mucacaza. The League’s primary goal is to inform would-be killers of the African rhino of the disastrous consequences of their actions. The Women's League does more than only improve girls' chances of succeeding in the community and at school. Young women in the Sábiè Administrative Post are less likely to be married at a young age and less likely to quit education as a result of this women’s soccer league. The women in the community consider themselves as counsellors for young men and adults, or “poachers”, they have seen that many of them watch the soccer matches every weekend, which helps limit the number of young men who may be shot in the bush. “We faced many challenges in the beginning for organizing the teams up to the start of the league, because many participants did not know the scope of this initiative and how it could be realized. But we were able to solve all of the problems because the committee worked as a team and was very committed.” Hanifa Vasco Manjate, Captain of the Peregrinas de Sabie F.C. The Women's League rounds were played in a fairly tranquil environment, with the teams displaying good sportsmanship and friendship. The Committee also acknowledges the sponsor for providing all of the necessary equipment for the league to take place. However, we as Wld and Free Foundation continuously search to provide a different type of soccer boot and ball that can endure the harsh conditions of the gravel soccer pitches. The RCCL has the potential to be so much better. “In terms of our viewpoints, the league committee plans to form four more teams in the communities of Mavunguana, Baptine, and Mucacaza, as well as a team for health workers. We believe that by doing so, we will be able to involve many different people of the community in general. During the initial edition's ten rounds, the Women's League collaborated with men's league referees because they were already trained to conduct their football-related duties.” Hanifa Vasco Manjate, Captain of the Peregrinas de Sabie F.C. Mrs. Helena Alfredo Chivite (Head of the Administrative Post of Sábiè) congratulates Hanifa Vasco Manjate, Captain of the Peregrinas de Sabie F.C., after Hanifa delivered her message to the athletes for the 2019 Rhino Cup Champions League prize-giving ceremony, at the Corumana soccer field, Mozambique. Peregrinas de Sabie F.C. is sponsored by Travel Beyond (Luxury travel agency in Wayzata, Minnesota). “The Committee regrets any inconvenience we may have caused the sponsor. It was only the start, and we learned from our mistakes. However, we have gained a lot of experience over this time, and we promise to strengthen the weak parts for the future time.” Hanifa Vasco Manjate, Captain of the Peregrinas de Sabie F.C "The Women's Rhino Cup Champions League Committee in Mozambique is grateful to the league's sponsor, Wild and Free Foundation. We joined this organization with great delight, and we worked with great passion and affection on this project. With the main goal of informing rhino poachers about the risks they face by killing this animal species, the African rhino, and about the necessity of protecting nature. Thank You So much!” Rodrigues Charles Augusto Bitone, Chairman of the women's league committee. A community driven conservation project. The Women's Rhino Cup Champions League is a conservation project requested by the communities of Sabié and Corumana in the Mozambique district of Maputo and currently consists of ten soccer teams from six local schools and is managed by the school teachers from the respective schools. For some, it’s their first rural women's soccer league. For others, it’s their first opportunity to participate in a sports activity of any kind. For all of us, it’s a chance to reaffirm our support for wildlife conservation with a little sweat equity. Comments are closed.
October 2023