How can we help conservation?In the summer of 2015, Matt Bracken was asked the question if people can change? And if so, what is his opinion on how they can help the earth? In this short interview Matt Bracken shares and his opinion on how people could help the earth better, by just doing nothing. Yes, nothing. View the video to find out how. Matt was a volunteer anti-poaching ranger. The founder of Wild and Free Foundation and the first American to have successfully completed the Protrack anti-poaching ranger training in 2011. Matt Bracken being interviewed by Rohan Nel about; What inspired him to go into conservation to save Africa’s Rhinos? This interview took place in Hoedspruit, South Africa in 2016. “Well I mean that's the one thing I go back to a lot, when you think about your day and everything you do that day… How much of what you encounter, you're dealing with something man-made; a car, a road, drive over a bridge, the radio that's just it's sitting in your car. When you're going to your job or picking up your dry-cleaning, or going to the shops. Everything is created, so we've created these things. We can change the rules because it's made up. We think that this is life, it is not it’s something totally different. We live in a world of the opposites, we should do that as a human species, where everything that we think we should do… we should just do the opposite… For instance when we feel like we're so productive in our day because we've gone here, done this, done that, and we've checked everything off on our to-do list. When in reality, if you just sat home and done nothing, done nothing all day, you would have been a much better human on the earth… than doing all your checklists.” We think at the end of the day successes is; we've done all this, we’ve been so productive and busy and so on so forth. When in reality you could help the world so much better by just sitting. Doing nothing. So, that's why it's quite easy to change, I think. We just have to accept that… just be simple, slow down. We're going to be happier, we don't have to do so many chores, just do nothing. Try that for a year! Everybody just do nothing… aaah! Things will grow back, just don't build anything for a year. No Christmas gifts, nothing. Do nothing. And we grow as people with it. Yeah, try sitting for a year, have no goals… hahahaha! Because even our goals; I want to get a Ferrari, we're going to do all these checklists to get there. Well everything is messing everything up, including this Ferrari, your goal is destroying the world.” Matt Bracken Wild and Free Foundation believes that by teaching the world about rhino poaching and recording the rhinoceros' survival or extinction using true short narratives, we can raise awareness about rhino poaching, what passionate individuals go through, and how to protect African wildlife. Wild and Free Foundation also provides presentations to schools, universities and businesses on the challenges, victories and benefits of protecting nature. With your help we can inspire a movement to save rhinos and take care of nature. Comments are closed.
October 2023